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The New Lectionary & “Voice of God” Hymns
The sale of indulgenced prayers is immoral. Someday they’ll have to make restitution for this.

Monsignor Ronald Knox—His Actual Voice!—Speaks of Saint John Henry Newman (1948)
It is beyond fascinating to hear his actual voice.

“Win or Lose, a Fight Worth Fighting!” • (Email Received from a Priest)
We owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Jeffrey Tucker, who prevented a non-Christian company from securing a monopoly on the (mandatory) English psalm translation!

PDF Download • “Communion Refrain” (Polyphony) for Three Voices — with Psalm 117
This injunction from Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen is crucial for artists.

PDF Download • “Psalm Comparison Chart”
This PDF chart will be of interest to Catholic musicians!

PDF Download • “Entrance Chant” for the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C)
I would argue we must renew our good resolution and stand firm.

Jesuit Recruitment Video (1950s)
It’s difficult to understand why some modern-day Jesuits have not been reprimanded by their superiors.

“Jeff, Your Assertions Are False and Misleading”
“This is a false assertion: one I’ve never heard, read about, or heard organ builders discuss.” —Kyle H.

Richard Nixon • “Federal Aid for Parochial Schools”
Colson claims Nixon signed an ‘executive order’ giving federal money to Roman Catholic schools.

Can Marian Hymns Be Sung During the Offertory?
My colleague, Corrinne May, has published an article for the “Totus Tuus” apostolate.

PDF Download • Intensely Rare 1898 “Roman Gradual” — (Released for the First Time in History)
I carefully scanned all 642 pages in (color) high resolution.

Thoughts on the “English” Method of Hymn-Printing
Protestants sometimes say: “One must never omit verses of a hymn, because hymns tell a story.”

Reader Feedback • Re: “Simplified” Music (Part 2)
“I haven’t been doing parish music that long—only about 3 years at this point.” —Celeste M.

“Entrance Chant” (Feast of the Presentation, 2 Febr.) • Sung by Three Young Women
This ‘live’ video shows three young women singing…

Finding the Choir in FSSP-Lyon
“For twenty years I sang in the front of a Novus Ordo parish despite wanting to sing in the back.” —Veronica Moreno

8 Reasons • “Why the Sacred Music Symposium Is Unlike Other Conferences”
Consider a few items you’ll learn at this year’s conference…

Can Polyphony Be Added to the Ordinary Form?
Vatican II went out of its way to be explicit—which is good news for conscientious choirmasters.

Breaking! • “Cardinal Roche Vs. Bishop Paprocki” (Development on 23 Jan. 2025)
On 23 January 2025, Arthur Cardinal Roche attempted (?) to overrule the Vatican’s “Committee on Canonical Affairs.”

Photograph • Mass at Dachau Concentration Camp
Is that a tiny pipe organ?

PDF Download • 3-Voice Arrang. by Helen Drost
You owe it to yourself to listen to this ‘live’ recording.

“What Are the Urbanite Hymns?” (4-Page PDF)
“No one who knows anything about the subject now doubts that that revision of Urban VIII was a ghastly mistake, for which there is not one single word of any kind to be said.” —Father Adrian Fortescue

Reader Feedback • Re: “Simplified” Organ Music
I’ve lived through various pendulum swings: the “Glory and Praise” phase; the “hymn sandwich” phase; and the “baroque tracker organ” phase.

My Recent Conversation • “Chant Rhythm”
This past week, I appeared on the Nikhil Hogan show to talk about Gregorian rhythm and the Vatican edition.

“How To Prepare A Talk” • Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
A television broadcast from the 1960s.
PDF Downloads

“Music List” • 5th Sunday (Ord. Time)
Readers have expressed interest in examining the “music list” I prepared for this coming Sunday.

Antiphons Don’t Match?
The short answer is: the “Adalbert Propers” were never intended to be sung.

“Music List” • Presentation (2 February)
Readers have expressed interest in examining the “music list” I prepared for this coming Sunday.

“Entrance Chant” • Presentation (2 Febr.)
This English adaptation imitates the authentic Gregorian Chant version in a splendid way.

2 February • “Communion”
I would say: “Somewhat dark, yet beautiful”

“Music List” • 3rd Sunday (Ord. Time)
Readers have expressed interest in examining the “music list” I prepared for this coming Sunday.