Draft Document • “Church Music Manifesto” (2020)
We’re living in darkness—but, like the phoenix, authentic Church music can rise from the ashes!
“Is it not true that prohibiting or suspecting the extraordinary form can only be inspired by the demon who desires our suffocation and spiritual death?” —The Vatican’s chief liturgist from 2014-2021; interview with Edw. Pentin (23-Sep-2019)
We’re living in darkness—but, like the phoenix, authentic Church music can rise from the ashes!
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We come now to the final installment in my series on our music program at St. Stephen the First Martyr Catholic Church in Sacramento, California.
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In a time of contagion and social unrest, we need plainchant more than ever, even when we stay home.
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote seventeen Church Sonatas between 1772 and 1780. These are short pieces intended to be played between the Epistle and the Gospel (during Mass). Shortly after Mozart left Salzburg, the Archbishop mandated that an appropriate choral motet or congregational hymn be sung at that point in the liturgy, with the result that […]
Summer planning brings homeschooling mother to poetry by Robert Frost and St. Thomas Aquinas. “Poems are the food of faith.”
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New compositions in the timeless style of great Catholic hymns for all the major feasts, plus insights into the hymnodist’s creative process.
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This 130-page book can be downloaded for free.
Best practices and a new antiphon project from the Archdiocese of Detroit
“Just visited your website for the first time 5 minutes ago. Was that struck by the beauty of the chant and the immense gift of such a beautiful collection that can be downloaded with ease…at no charge! In awe of the gift of this extensive content and the amount of labor that has gone into […]
If we want great artists, we must have places to train them in the best of the tradition and be able to crown their studies with a deeply imbued Catholic ethos.
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Today comes the third setting. A total of five Masses will be released.
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My previous post on this subject was misunderstood in some quarters.
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Far from being a mere complement to our parish choir, our young Choristers are, quite frankly, its core.
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Print an illustrated liturgical calendar with seasonal Gregorian chant excerpts.
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On the feast of the Sacred Heart, we present an important memorandum from Corpus Christi Watershed’s president.
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Corpus Christi Watershed is a 501(c)3 public charity dedicated to exploring and embodying as our calling the relationship of religion, culture, and the arts. This non-profit organization employs the creative media in service of theology, the Church, and Christian culture for the enrichment and enjoyment of the public.