IS COMMENT stung me at first, since I wasn’t expecting it. Moreover, my friend’s words were blunt: “Jeff, the reason absolutely nobody cares about these rare books you post is because you assume they know why they’re supposed to care.” After a while, his words sank in. He had a point. Therefore, I have written a brief PREFACE to this latest release. If I get positive feedback, I will continue this practice—and by the way, we have tons more rare Gregorian Chant books I can’t wait to release in 2023!
I really hope readers appreciate this book! To be honest, it took forever to scan, clean, straighten, index, and upload:
* PDF Download • Graduale ORGAN ACCOMPANIMENT (513 pages)
—Composed by Dr. Peter Wager, director of the GREGORIAN ACADEMY (Fribourg, Switzerland).
—This is a very large file • 366MB.