WAS SO INSPIRED by the courses at the 2017 Sacred Music Symposium, I can’t wait to start teaching my current choir members a ton. I met so many fantastic people 1 and got so many ideas I can’t wait to implement. I’m going to recruit new members! At rehearsal tomorrow, we will have an awesome discussion about Mode 4, using this worksheet:
* * PDF Download • Gregorian Mode IV
It’s the Gradual for 7th Sunday after Pentecost. Did you notice the “ups and downs” were omitted? The choir will fill those in during the rehearsal.
This will be fun!

(Photograph: Dr. Alfred Calabrese teaching Sacred Music Symposium 2017.)
1 Eighty people from all over the world came and attended the full week, which is phenomenal since it was only our second year. And this is a demanding conference—singing and learning from 7:30am to 9:30pm each day!