NE OF OUR READERS kindly sent two extremely rare and fascinating Franciscan chant books! If someone would like to write a careful description of each, I will publish them. I’m afraid my knowledge of Franciscan traditions is pathetic.
The first one, “Cantuale Romano-Seraphicum,” was edited by Rev. Eliseo Bruning, OFM, and published by Desclée in 1951. It appears to be a collection of various chants of special use to Franciscans—and some have their own melodic variants. Many of these melodies cannot be easily found in any other book:
* * PDF • Cantuale Romano-Seraphicum (1951)
The second one is not quite as interesting. Called “Missae Propriae Ordinis Fratrum Minorum Ad Normam Gradualis Editionis Vaticanae,” it appears to contain feasts of special significance to Franciscans, as well as some rare Sequences:
* * PDF Download • Missae Propriae Ordinis Fratrum Minorum (1951)
My favorite part of this book tells singers IN BIG CAPITAL LETTERS what I often tell my singers:

It means not to double the length of notes with horizontal episemata.