Pope John Paul II seems to have liked the Cappa Magna:

Here’s Cardinal Wojtyla taking the titular church in Rome:

What could be more awesome than a Franciscan winter Cappa Magna?

Many bishops and cardinals wear the Cappa these days. Cardinal Pell does. And here’s Bishop Slattery of Tulsa:

Here’s Cardinal Burke wearing a summer Cappa:

Here’s Pope Pius XII wearing the Cappa Magna while still a cardinal:

Another version is here.
Read all about it by visiting this incredible website.
Msgr. Patrick Brankin wrote the following on 21 June 2010:
Please allow me to respond to two letters that appeared in your May 31 issue concerning the liturgical use of the capa magna at the solemn pontifical Mass celebrated by Bishop Slattery in Washington, DC.
Bishop Slattery has received close to 2,000 letters and email messages from 13 countries around the world commenting on the prayerfulness of that Mass and the depth of comfort the faithful found in his homily.
The capa magna does indeed represent the finery of the world, its power and prestige. That is why after his entrance wearing it, the prelate is publicly stripped of this finery and humbled before the congregation. Then, vestment by vestment, the bishop is clothed in the new man of which St Paul speaks, including the baptismal alb, the dalmatic of charity, the stole of pardon and the chasuble of mercy. When finally clothed in Christ, the prelate makes a second entrance into the church to begin the eucharistic celebration in persona Christi, the visible head of the body, the church.
It was a clear statement that the power and prestige of the world have no place at the altar, but it is expressed in a liturgical ritual or symbol, which, unfortunately, are often lacking in the contemporary rites and thus hard to grasp.