N FRIDAY, the 30th of August, the apostolate I’m part of (TOTUS TUUS APOSTOLATE) helped organize a Votive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary offered Ad Orientem (Facing East) by Father Benedict Mary, OCD. It was a beautiful coming together of my two choral worlds as members of my choir, The Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) Choir, joined the Totus Tuus Schola. What was also heartwarming was how the IHM choir had recently concluded our ‘33 Days to Morning Glory’ consecration to Mary, and so—coupled with the MARIAN CONCERT we just did a week back—this evening was another way to give our hearts to Mary, and profess our love for her through the gift of sacred music at a Mass dedicated to her Immaculate Heart.
Programming Ideas • Below is what we sang at Mass that evening. It’s possible readers might get some ‘programming ideas’ from the list of pieces we sang.
Processional Hymn:
“Immaculate Mary, Thy Praises We Sing”
(#776 in the Brébeuf Hymnal)
Adeamus Cum Fiducia (PLAINSONG)
Mass VIII • Missa De Angelis
Exsultabit cor meum (PLAINSONG)
Offertory Antiphon:
Exsultavit spiritus meus (PLAINSONG)
Offertory Hymn:
“Totus Tuus” by Marco Frisina
Mass VIII • Missa De Angelis
Agnus Dei:
After Fr. Gregerio Allegri (d. 1652)
By J. Ostrowski, score is #7554
Communion Antiphon:
Dixit Jesus matri suae (PLAINSONG)
First Communion Hymn:
“Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence”
(#728 in the Brébeuf Hymnal)
Second Communion Hymn:
“Anima Christi” by Marco Frisina
Not Applicable as we went straight into Eucharistic Adoration.
For ADORATION immediately
after Mass, we sang the
following polyphonic works.
Kevin Allen:
“Ave Sacer Christi Sanguis” from
Motecta Trium Vocum (Motets For Three Voices)
Father Francisco Guerrero:
“Adoremus In Aeternum” #2978
(This piece is a perfect canon)
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina:
“O Bone Jesu”
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina:
“Jesu Rex Admirabilis”
Charlotte Lansberg:
“Adoro Te Devote”
Audio Excerpt • You can hear an excerpt if you click on the following video. I apologize it’s ‘portrait’ instead of ‘landscape’—but that’s just how Instagram does things: