S A VERY, VERY BUSY homeschooling mom of many who also happens to lead a choir I often have to hurry whenever I am attempting to accomplish something of value. I am a “just get it done” kind of person, and for better or for worse that means that I am often just happy to check something off my list, even if it isn’t perfect. Ironically, I did used to be a perfectionist but I no longer have to battle it as I did before I had children because who has time for that? Nonetheless, my own ridiculous pride sometimes stops me from moving forward with something worthwhile. That is why I have sat on these recordings for 3 years:
—For Three Voices; Composed by Gregor Aichinger (d. 1628).
Rehearsal videos: Equal Voices • Soprano I • Soprano II • Tenor
A 12-Year-Old Singer: Back in 2019 I came across this beautiful polyphonic Regina Caeli by Aichinger and I decided it would be a wonderful piece to try with my choir. I also created rehearsal audio for it, but because I recorded it very quickly so my choir could start learning it, it’s not a very well done recording (to say the least). We did only a few takes, and I settled for electronic corrections over re-recording. I never shared this before because pride and perfectionism held me back. I cringe even now when I listen to the hack job I did. But even hack jobs have their purpose. I am, however, consoled by the best part of these recordings – the lovely soprano voice of one of my singers, who at the time of this recording was just 12 years old!
Pride Is Bad! This Lent, I am trying really hard to let go of the vices of pride and perfectionism, and so I am sharing this with you. If any other choir can benefit from using these recordings to glorify the Lord at Holy Mass on Easter Sunday, then my “bad” recordings are actually very, very good.