ODAY we attended Mass at Our Lady of the Atonement in San Antonio, TX. If you’ve not done so, please check out the series (Part 1 and Part 2), which takes you “inside the classrooms” at their wonderful parish school.
It’s difficult to hold my young child during Mass, but in spite of this, I was able to take a few iPhone recordings—totally random snippets when my son wasn’t crying—to show you the QUALITY OF SINGING they always have at Sunday Masses:
* * Mp3 Audio: Recorded “Live” by iPhone
Don’t forget: the choir had no idea we’d be attending today. Atonement is blessed with unbelievably superb music at their various Masses. 1
(I apologize the recording quality of my device was poor, but I wanted to give you a sample.)
EVERY PEW WAS FILLED and overflowing, and this is totally normal for them. I believe Atonement has been successful for two reasons:
(A) They’re a consistently serious parish whose Pastor never deviates from Catholic doctrine.
(B) They sacrifice to make sure their music programs succeed.
Many priests today are serious about the liturgy—which is great—but few are willing to make the sacrifices (for years and years) a good Church music program requires. This is a shame, because dignified music adds so much to the liturgical ceremonies; even more than fine architecture & beautiful vestments.
Atonement has recently undertaken a massive building project, which will basically double their (already impressive) campus. The response to their capital campaign was astounding, especially when you consider today’s climate. I’m sure their new buildings will be splendid, because every corner of their current school & church exudes magnificence … even their little pond:

Are you an organist? I’m told there’s a position available at Atonement. Apply soon!
1 I could easily have taken samples of the organ playing, too, which is always fantastic.