IME AND AGAIN, I have bewailed the situation where so many Catholic bloggers are willing to write 10,000 articles complaining about church music…but won’t lift a finger in real life to change the situation. Anyone can write articles saying “things need to improve”—but actually getting one’s hands dirty? That’s quite another matter.
For this reason, I’m delighted to highlight Saint Vitus Parish (FSSP) in Los Angeles. Every year, the parish sponsors a Sacred Music Symposium, which has become America’s foremost “training camp” for choirmasters interested in authentic Catholic music. When I was growing up, we called this “putting your money where your mouth is.”
Each participant will receive a 238-page booklet—and they just arrived!
1,000 people downloaded the Draft Copy, but the final booklet is much nicer, and twice as long. (Copyrighted items were not included in the Draft Copy.)
Please email all your friends this link: