HILE THE SUMMERS IN ST. LOUIS might be insufferable, the autumn weather often proves a treat. The colorful foliage and city skyline set against the Arch and the river delight the eye, although nothing so much as the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis. Perhaps I am biased, (having spent part of my youth in its shadow, if 30 miles is close enough to be considered “in the shadow”), but I consider this church the most beautiful Catholic edifice in these United States and am always happy to return. A few weeks ago I was able to make the pilgrimage again, only this time with a choir in tow, and thanks to the hospitality of the ever convivial Dr. Buchholz, our Schola Cantorum had a marvelous time.
Jeff O. recently asked if directors take pictures of their choirs and I can’t say that I do, but thankfully others did and one parent even recorded several pieces with his iPhone. I thought I would share those with you today and I hope you enjoy!
* * Exultate Deo • A. Scarlatti (1660-1725)
* * Ave Maria • C. Wulke (b. 1989)
* * Te Deum in C • C. V. Stanford (1852-1924)
* * Postlude in D minor (Op. 105, no. 6) • C. V. Stanford (1852-1924)
(Played by John Deahl, my assistant)