HEN I TOLD the choir in Los Angeles we’d be learning a sensational Mass by Guerrero, I promised that each successive movement would astound them. They loved the first section of the KYRIE. Today’s release (as I promised) is even more powerful. In such a brief piece, Guerrero employs numerous points of imitation.
Guerrero even uses STRETTO, which I colored purple. Do you see the purple notes? Do you hear the stretto?
* * PDF Download • KYRIE “Part C” (Guerrero)
PEAKING OF THE FSSP CHOIR in Los Angeles, our parish has existed for about a year now. We are trying to build a Church completely dedicated to the Extraordinary Form: EF Masses, EF Confirmations, EF Baptisms, EF Weddings, and so on. Archbishop Gomez invited us, and fully supports our efforts. If we can raise $65,000 by February 11th, a generous donor will give an additional $65,000. Do you know someone who can help? 1
To donate, click here. You’ll probably want to select “one time donation”—but other options are available, as well.

1 We have already raised a significant amount, but require more—churches are expensive!