Here are some random thoughts. Take them or leave them!
Gregory DiPippo wrote a fascinating article on NLM you will want to read. I don’t want to tell you what it’s about—but believe me, you will love it! Now, here’s a fun fact: the Jogues Missal actually contains a “bilingual” manuscript (Greek + Latin) which you can better understand by reading an article I posted a while back.
As a choirmaster, in some ways it doesn’t matter what you know about music, because the main thing is dealing with people. We must cultivate relationships with our singers, who are people. Choirmasters do not have a choice in this matter. We do not conduct a group of singers; we conduct a whole bunch of individual people who (in my view) must become friends.
What would our readers think about a “Letters to the Editor” section on our CCW blog? I think that might be kind of fun, if there was enough interest…
As a blog author, one eventually realizes “less is more.” Good authors must be succinct. They must avoid repeating themselves over and over. I feel this has a bearing on the question of GRADUAL vs. RESPONSORIAL PSALM. The Gradual had a way of picking out just 1-2 really special verses (easily grasped by the human mind). The Responsorial Psalm has more verses, but somehow can leave less of an impression upon the mind.
Internet users have become more mature. Have you noticed how few blogs comments are made these days as opposed to ten years ago? These days, folks navigate to the websites they desire, blocking out the rest. Folks no longer have the time & energy required for endless flame wars. I’d like to explore this subject more at some point…
My friend wrote me an email, letting me know Kirsten Powers has become Catholic! I wrote about Kirsten Powers here. (I think that’s why my friend sent me that message.)
Here at CCW, we strive for authenticity. So many blogs out there talk down to their audiences, or try to get people riled up. One thing I hate is when blog authors frame an issue, and then—just like the 30-minute sitcoms in the ’90s—“resolve” the issue at the end of the article. In reality, most issues are complex and cannot be resolved in a 1-paragraph summary. Such an approach may be considered “proper writing” but in the end is not applicable to the real world.