HE SAINT Edmund Campion Missal and Hymnal took more than a year to proofread, and no effort was spared with regard to typesetting. Most of the priests who helped us offer the Extraordinary Form on a daily basis, and a few have done this since the 1950s. So we had good people … and they would often “challenge” the editor (yours truly) about minor details like capitalization, punctuation, and especially hyphenation.
Every time I would receive their comments for this thousand-page book, I’d have to go searching and hunting for evidence supporting my choices. You probably know that some editors (happily, nobody who assisted our proofing) believe in their hearts there is only one “correct” way … usually the way they learned in a grad school course. As a matter of fact, there are often several valid ways, and staying consistent is what’s important.
Normally, one does not use accents “inside the rubrics,” in other words, when one refers to a prayer, like the Kyrie Eleyson. However, in certain sections of my book, I did just that, for good reasons I cannot explain at the moment. One of the really smart editors told me he’d never seen this, so I went to find supporting evidence for my choices … and I couldn’t find any. However, I knew I’d seen this done.
To make a long story short, several months later, I was able to locate some really high quality books (printed by the Vatican) which use accents “inside the rubrics,” as you can see by clicking the example on the upper right. Solesmes does, too, even placing an unnecessary accent on a two syllable word (“Pátri”) :

I REMEMBER ONE PROOFREADER (who, unfortunately, had to be dismissed eventually) went crazy over the fact that Gregorian chant editions capitalize only the first letter after the Drop Cap. I said again and again, “This is the way it’s always been done in the Solesmes books.” However, this person simply couldn’t or wouldn’t accept my answer. However, Solesmes is perfectly correct when they use this technique. At this moment, I can’t explain the reasons for doing this (they’re good ones), but click on the image on the right to see a Missal from 1777 which uses the same technique as Solesmes.