As noted in past blogs, after you learn a new word you will often see it again within 24 hours . . . in a completely different context! I think it has to do with the miraculous way God designed the human mind. The human mind “skips” over things which are not apropos of the thing at hand, as well as things with which the mind is not (yet) familiar. However, once an association is made, the mind is then “on the lookout” to notice the new word or phrase. I don’t know if this is the case for everyone, but it is for me.
Let me give just one example:
I was recently reading the Abyssus Abyssum Invocat Blog, and I read an excellent Foreword by Most Reverence Bishop René H. Gracida. Here is an excerpt:

I had never heard of Patrick Cardinal O’Boyle before. Then, a few hours later, I happened to be reading a book by Patrick Buchanan, and I came to this paragraph:

See? It happens every time!