ELOW you’ll find some books about the Mass which will knock you off your feet! What’s funny is that the first two were designed for children, but I think they’re marvelous even for adults.
The first one is a 1954 cartoon featuring lovely spiritual reflections by Capuchin Fr. Demetrius Manousos. I cannot express to you how inspiring this book is. You can scroll to the bottom of the page to see a sample page, but why not immediately download the entire book?
* * Campion Children’s Missal — Know Your Mass: 1954
(purchase in full color) — $16.00 per copy (not abridged)
REMEMBER: The binding & print quality isn’t as magnificent as the Campion Adult Missals.

This next book is pure gold. It’s an explanation of the Mass by Msgr. Ronald Knox … for little girls! I’d love to quote sections for you — the entire book is marvelous — but why not simply download the entire PDF?
* * The Mass in Slow Motion — Msgr. Ronald Knox: 1948
(purchase this book) — $10.99 per copy
FINALLY, PLEASE CONSIDER INVESTIGATING the St. Edmund Campion Missal & Hymnal, which contains 120 full-color pages (explanations and pictures of the Mass). Here’s what an FSSP priest recently wrote me:
ECENTLY OUR PARISH received over 200 copies of the St. Edmund Campion Missals/Hymnals to replace a hodgepodge of missalettes and hymnals which had become worn and tattered over time and quite an eyesore. Moreover, unless they brought their own missals, visitors couldn’t follow the Mass because there was really nothing for them to use. From the luxurious “suede-like” feel of the cover to the illustrious photos and typesets in the book, parishioners and visitors alike are singing high praises of the new St. Edmund Campion Missals/Hymnals. People who never had owned a private missal had to settle for the missalettes in the pew which did not contain the Propers of the Mass. With the new missals they now can pray the Mass with the priest from the Introit to the Postcommunion.
The new St. Edmund Campion Missals/Hymnals are a real godsend. Yes, the price appears expensive at first, but when one considers the superb quality and layout of the book, the sturdy binding and thorough contents replete with Sunday and special Holy Masses and numerous hymns, suddenly it’s a bargain and worth the investment. No Traditional Latin parish should be without them!
Sincerely yours, in Christ,
Fr. Neal Nichols, FSSP
Pastor, St. Benedict’s Parish (Chesapeake, Virginia)
HERE IS THAT sample page I promised (see above):