F YOU SCROLL towards the bottom of St. René Goupil, you will notice that scores and audio files for the Feast of the Transfiguration have been added (6 August).
Here is a sample:
The rest of this post deals with the ending of the Communion antiphon.
The Communion antiphon (“Visiónem quam vidístis”) is identical to a Magnificat antiphon, except for one note:

At first, it seemed a typo, since the Vatican Edition of the Antiphonale appeared several years after the Graduale.
Further examination, however, shows that some manuscripts only have the punctum:

…while other manuscripts have the podatus:
Dom Mocquereau’s 1903 Liber Usualis has a podatus:

Abbot Pothier’s 1891 Liber Gradualis has a punctum:

Pothier’s 1896 Liber Usualis has the punctum for the Magnificat antiphon:

…but the selfsame book (Pothier’s 1896 Liber Usualis) uses the podatus for the Communion antiphon:

Using the search function to quickly find “visionem” in the NOH shows how the composers provided a completely different harmonization both times:
* * 2,279 pages of Harmonized Plainsong
For the record, the NOH has a typo in the Communion antiphon:

Never have I encountered so many typos in one feast! Yesterday, I spoke of a typo in the Introit that desperately needed correction.