HEN YOU ARE cruising the Roman Catholic blogosphere, if you come across an ancient chasuble, colorful Cappa Magna, rare photo of Pope St. John Paul II, vibrant ferraiolo, or impromptu gathering of clerics, odds are it originally came from the website of Mr. John Paul Sonnen, who runs a travel company with his wife.
We were so pleased when a reader shared a link where Mr. Sonnen says:
“Photo taken in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I strongly encourage every pastor of English-language parish communities across the world to purchase this missal and hymnal for their pews. I have never seen such a fine work of art. This is by far the best pew missal yet available in any language at any time.”

The first edition of the CAMPION HYMNAL was produced by Corpus Christi Watershed. (To learn about the Second Edition, click here.)