10a. The singing the Antiphon “Hosanna Filio David” begins the ceremony, as the celebrant walks to a table:
Ant. HOSANNA FILIO DAVID • PDF Score • 1st Video • 2nd Video • Organist
12a. Then comes the blessing of the palms.
Dominus vobiscum. etc.
The celebrant sings a Collect beginning with Oremus.
14a. Celebrant sprinkles with Holy Water the palm branches—those on the table, as well as those in the hands of the people (unless branches will be distributed to them after the blessing).
“Two methods of blessing the branches are offered in the restored Ordo Hebdomadae Sanctae. First, the branches may be prepared by the faithful and brought by them to the church, where they are blessed before the procession. Or the branches may be prepared in the church, blessed, and then distributed to the faithful for the procession. In any case the branches for the clergy and servers are not distributed to them until after the blessing.”
16a. Celebrant incenses the branches on the table and those held by the people (unless branches will be distributed to them after the blessing).
18a. Having kissed the Altar, the Celebrant distributes palm branches to the servers and people (unless the people have theirs already). During the distribution, the following antiphons & psalms are sung:
Two antiphons w/ psalms: PUERI HEBRAEORUM • First Antiphon • Second Antiphon
If these chants are not long enough, they are repeated until the distribution of palm branches is finished. If, on the other hand, the distribution ends first, the “Gloria Patri” is sung at once, followed by the antiphon.
Therefore, this PDF SCORE will be useful where the people are already holding the palm branches—since the only distribution in that case will be to the Altar Servers, which takes a very short time.
20a. After a Gospel (Mt 21: 1-9) is sung or read, the procession begins, when the Deacon (or Celebrant) sings:

22a. During the procession—wherein the people process holding palm branches—all or some of the following selections may be sung:
First Antiphon • Occúrrunt turbae
Second Antiphon • Cum ángelis et púeris
Third Antiphon • Turba multa quae convénerat
Fourth Antiphon • Coepérunt omnes turbae
Hymn to Christ the King • “Glória laus et honor”
Vocal Score • Organist Score • 1st Video • 2nd VideoFifth Antiphon (Version A) with Psalm • Omnes colláudant nomen tuum
Fifth Antiphon (Version B) with Psalm • Omnes colláudant nomen tuum
Sixth Antiphon • Fulgéntibus palmis prostérnimur
Seventh Antiphon • Ave Rex noster
The faithful may also sing the hymn CHRISTUS VINCIT or any other chant in honor of Christ the King.
24a. When the procession enters the church, that is, as the celebrant goes through the door, a Responsory (Ingrediénte Dómino) is begun, which is found at the GoupilChant Website, along with the rest of the Mass chants for Palm Sunday.
1 Msgr. Frederick R. McManus • RITES of HOLY WEEK (1956). Courtesy of RARTY.
2 St. Peter’s Abbey, Solesmes • REVISED PALM SUNDAY with MUSIC (1957).