ERE IS A SPLENDID, affordable, powerful, indispensable book you should consider purchasing. It was created specifically for my parish in Los Angeles (where the Père Daniel resources are quite popular) but I thought some of our readers might like it as well, so it’s been made available for everyone. I could not function as a choirmaster without this book; it’s truly fabulous. Feel free to examine the complete file (126 pages). The draft copy was downloaded 600+ times—so there appears to be interest.
It came out crisp and beautiful:
* Saint Antoine Daniel Kyriale ($5.99)
—126 pages; contains the complete KYRIALE, including Credo VII.
Why This Book? Some might point out that the KYRIALE can be found in the Parish Book of Chant (CMAA), which is a very nice book, as this pdf copy demonstrates. However, the Parish Book of Chant has a number of disadvantages:
Starting Pitches • The Parish Book of Chant lacks starting pitches; those who sing from the “Ordinarium Missae” on a regular basis appreciate how handy these are.
7th Credo • The Parish Book of Chant lacks the medieval Credo VII (one of the best).
Vidi Aquam Psalm Tone • The Parish Book of Chant does not provide an optional psalm tone version of the “Vidi Aquam” for the repeat—which means the priest has to stand there for a long time waiting.
Confusing Numbers • The Parish Book of Chant uses a “double” numbering system which is inelegant and extremely confusing.
Ineffective Headers • The Parish Book of Chant uses headers at the top of each page which are poorly done, repeating “Parish Book of Chant” over and over again.
Cost • The Parish Book of Chant costs $22.00 per copy, whereas the Antoine Daniel Kyriale costs $5.99.
Those are some of the reasons why our new publication was necessary.
Fun Fact: You might notice the bottom of page 76. This was an excellent suggestion by Fr. Valentine Young, OFM, and several FSSP priests. Without going into detail, it takes the “Benedicamus Domino” melody—for Sundays in Advent and Lent—but switches the words to “Ite Missa Est,” in accordance with Chapter 9 of Rubricarum Instructum (1961). I’m not thilled with the syllable placement, but it matches what is found in the official books:

After you examine page 76, let me know your thoughts in the Facebook comment section. While I don’t use Facebook very much for personal stuff, I do religiously read the comments that appear on the CCW Facebook page. (Pardon the pun!)